I have to record a grave misdemeanor.
Today I decided to treat myself to a gourmet sandwich for lunch.
I "buttered" the bread with cream cheese and layered it with slices of succulent smoked salmon.
Lemon juice, dill and capers finished it off nicely.
Plated sandwich and took it to the table, sat down and turned to the front page of the newspaper.
Before I could take the first bite Elizabeth arrived and I went outside with Pepper to greet her and discuss what we were going to do with the garden this week.
Have you guessed it yet?
I wandered back inside and went to the table - nothing on the plate. Feeling confused now, I wondered if I could indeed eat without noticing it. Felt sure I would have remembered such a yummy sanger for more than a few moments, then noticed 3 small slightly chewed capers on the rug under the table. No crumbs, just capers!
My chair had been left out from the table and I soon deduced the culprit, now looking very self satisfied, but without a crumb on her whiskers.
The gourmet dog had struck again, reinforcing my long held view that poodles have highly sophisticated taste buds and go for the best food available. Our previous poodle - Nimh was an expert at detecting chicken breasts (no other cut) or fillet steak at 50 paces, but she was so small that she never had a chance to scoff them.
We no longer eat fillet steak but I have my suspicions that Pepper's radar would detect the difference!
To add insult to injury I had already given her a yummy dog biscuit because I felt sorry for her not having such a delicious lunch as I was about to eat.
This pic was taken at Terry's Lookout on our recent stay in Lorne - butter wouldn't melt in her mouth!! (but smoked salmon will!!!!!)