About time - I just finished an artwork swap to post off to one of my art groups.
This one was for a 5 x 7 canvas on the theme Wuthering Heights.
I casually agreed to the swap and then thought What on earth does one do for Wuthering Heights??
It is many moons since I read the book or saw the movie. The first image that came to mind was those silly ones that Dave Allen used to do of Heathcliff and Cathy running with arms outstretched towards each other on the moors, wind and rain swirling all around, then missing each other and running off into the distance. No, I think not!
Then I had to do a bit of catching up with the story and realised that I had forgotten that they never really got together and that it was a rather dismal outcome all round.
Finally I read the lyrics of the Wuthering Heights song that Kate Bush did and inspiration hit.
"It's me, I'm Cathy - I'm so cold Let me in"
I had a canvas with a darkish silvery background and a purple splodge. I used a sketch that I did years ago for a friend of the old bank doorway that is now in the outdoor theatre at Everglades - a National Trust property in Leura in the Blue Mountains.
This became the imposing door and a cutout from some collage paper was used for Cathy - a rather pre-raphaelite version but she looked suitably distressed.
I stamped at random over the background and tried to imply turrets in the top part
Watercolour pencils did the colouring and I used a new paint called Micaceous Iron Oxide by Golden which looks like it has tiny iron filings suspended in it. It gives a shimmery but dark effect.
I used my little alphabet stamps for the words.
The centre of the work seems to glow against the morbid background and I was rather pleased with the result. Hope the recipient likes it!
I've already received my swap and this person went with the film idea.