More on sewing
I did help my sister to get her Japanese fabric "rough" log cabin cushion started, cos she couldn't work out how to add the pieces together. I took my sewing machine to her place on Sunday and we held a sewing bee. I did my skinny book pages .
I could feel my mother looking down from Sewing Heaven and being amazed at 2 of her daughters sewing voluntarily and enjoying it.!
I also went to the Embroiderer's Guild exhibition on Saturday where I put my name down for info on the Fibre Arts group that they may run next year. I also saw embroidery done on a piece of handkerchief linen that my mother had given to a lady years ago and she had saved it for a special piece of work. It was a shadow embroidered agapanthus and my mother would have loved it.
This piece was part of the Botanical art challenge. This year the Guild invited members of the Geelong Bot Artists group to bring along paintings to be used as inspiration for embroidered pieces.
All the work was displayed, both the paintings and the embroidery they inspired. Some had done very literal interpretations, others used them as starting points for flights of fancy. It was a really great display and in itself very inspirational.